XiX Player is a free easy to use open source multi-platform music player that currently runs in Linux, Linux ARM (Raspberry Pi), Windows & MacOS Intel
- Supports the following file formats: MP3, OGG, M4A (non-DRM), AAC, FLAC, OPUS, APE, DFF, WAV
- Play & Rip your CD to MP3 or FLAC. CD-Text and CDDB support
- Rip DVD tracks to MP3 or FLAC. Needs mplayer.
- See albums the choosen artist is on and vice versa
- Create and use Playlists
- Online Radiostations + Presets
- Record Online Radiostations
- Schedule Radiostation recordings
- Listen & Download Podcasts
- Play & Download License free audio from the Internet Archive
- Show the lyrics and CD-Covers of the song being played
- Shuffle and Repeat
- Reverse Play
- Change Tempo (Speed)
- Crossfading & Trimming
- Search
- Rate your songs
- EQ + FXs (Flanger, Echo & Reverb)
- Set EQ & TRIM for individual songs
- Copy, Delete or Rename the file
- Change ID3 tag (only for MP3/OGG/FLAC/APE)
- Theme support (Basic)
Your music is shown in different tabs like Artist, Albums, Playlists or File Manager.
It is easy to create and maintain your own playlists. There is an integrated lyric viewer that searches for the lyric of the song you are listening to. If the CD Cover is found it is also shown.
There is multi tagging support. (MP3 id3-tag, Vorbis Comments, Music Tags)
The application is a fresh development that is intended as a hobby project. Language used is Lazarus/FreePascal and most development is done in Linux.
The player is still in early testing (alpha) phase, so do not expect everything to work yet. If you think that something is wrong or you have a great idea to implement, please mail me.
Windows support is also limited because I do not use Windows myself.
This software makes uses of modified sources of the AUDIO TOOLS LIBRARY. These modified sources can be downloaded at the download page.
Kudos to the following people and sites:
Lyrics Support:
Lyricsmode - Lyricstime - Lyricsdepot - Lyrics007 - Lyricsmania
Online Radiostream database:
Gyönki Bendegúz (Hungarian, Magyar)
Giacomo Margarito (Italian)
Karl Vaeversted (Danish)
José Maschiovechio (Spanish)
Lazarus Forum:
JuhaManninen, Blaazen, skalogryz, marcov, Circular, Leledumbo, JesusR, ...
General Support:
JIM - Bringing the ARTWORK to a higher level
Audio Tools Library (ATL) - programming tools for Borland Delphi to handle various audio files
Theodore M Rolle, Jr. - for being a PITA :) and bringing good reports, ideas and bug hunting ...
Kevin Minney - Idea for Recurrent Radio Scheduling + Bug hunting ...